November 25 2022 - The establishment of new office & headquarters of MISTER INTERNATIONAL® organization in Bangkok, Thailand marks a new era for the male pageant which is loved by generations of supporters around the world.
Mister International President, Pradit Pradinunt together with CEO Ricky Junghoon Jun, COO Nicholo Paulo Ventura and General Manager Kitti Kamjunsa had a meeting in Bangkok to implement new and exciting changes to the show and the franchise.
MISTER INTERNATIONAL® is one of the most-followed male pageants in the world. The organization is excited to partner with new investors and national directors to infuse a fresh new energy in the competition.
The next edition of the pageant will happen in the "Land of Smiles" Thailand on SEPTEMBER 2023. "Distinctively Handsome" men from more than 40 countries will vie to become the next king, which will conclude with current Mister International Manu Franco of the Dominican Republic crowning his successor.